Durability Engineers, in partnership with RJ Lee Group, performs petrographic examinations and laboratory analyses to investigate material failures, incompatibilities, and deterioration of cementitious materials, aggregates, mortars, grouts, and concretes. Petrographic analysis uses stereo, petrographic, and scanning electron microscopes to examine and evaluate the optical properties and microstructural characteristics of the materials.

PE-TRO-GRAPHY (Noun) Defined in ACI 2018 CT-18 as "(1) the branch of petrology, dealing with description and systematic classification of rocks aside from their geologic relations, mainly by laboratory methods, largely chemical and microscopical...(2) laboratory study of concrete and mortar samples to determine various characteristics including, but not limited to, w/c, paste-aggregate bond, and air content."
Petrographic examination, in conjunction with hardened air-void analysis and scanning electron microscopy, can provide information concerning:
Air content and distribution
Estimated w/cm ratio
Degree of Hydration
Aggregate type, composition and soundness
Secondary Deposits
Binder type and paste content
Depth of carbonation
Presence and Condition of Reinforcement

Petrographic analysis is regularly used to identify causes of distress and deterioration in materials, as well as predict future performance of the materials, and can aid in the evaluation of a number of issues, which include, but are not limited to:
​Surface Scaling
Aggregate Popouts
Low Strength Results
Improper Finishing or Curing Techniques
Cement-Aggregate Reactions
Discoloration of Staining
Chemical Attack
Cause of Cracking Distress
Fire and Heat-Related Damage